
Getting Started with ALIProWeb

Subscribing to our ALIProWeb™ PS/ALI service is easy. This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to subscribe to ALIProWeb™. If you have any questions, please send an email to

Step 1: Submit an ALIProWeb™ Account Profile form

This form is available at

Step 2: Submit a completed and signed ALIProWeb™ Services Agreement

We will work with you to complete the Service Agreement. The ALIProWeb™ agreement is available at During this process be sure to place the text of Exhibit C, Letter of Agency, on your organization’s letterhead.

Step 3: Provide us with a list of DID numbers

We require that you provide us with a complete list of all DID numbers to which you subscribe. If you do not have this information you can obtain it from your Telecommunications Services Provider (TSP). This list is needed to migrate the association of your ALI data to your NENA CID, which names you as the “owner” of these ALI records. The submission of this information must be provided in either one of the formats specified in the ALIProWeb™ PS/ALI Migration Template that we will provide to you.

NOTE: It is important to include all DID numbers to which you subscribe

This ensures that we can verify the existing ALI information associated with non-active numbers as well as active numbers. This process will help all of us to scrub the ALI database of inaccurate legacy information.

Step 4: Migration

We will work with you and the ALI DBMS administrator (ComTech) to migrate your DID numbers to our service.

Step 5: Register an account at the ALIProWeb™ PS/ALI subscriber portal.

We will provide you with a link to the portal and a form for information about users who will be able to manage ALI data for your organization once an agreement is signed.

Step 6: Update your ALI data

Once your portal registration is complete you can submit update files, formatted as described in the ALIProWeb™ PS/ALI File Submittal & Update Template Guide. All documentation is available at

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